Motions 2020-2023
By-Laws (at bottom)
Followed by GC Agenda
April 27, 2020
164 and beyond has now become its own group, no longer under the umbrella of remote communities or district 40.
MJ put forth a motion to keep the membership at 1000 for 2 more months and then revisit. This was 2nd by Kim P. Majority in favor - motion passed.
After some discussion a motion was put forth to set aside $840 for our prudent reserve. This motion was then amended by Bill C to make the prudent reserve $1000 to cover necessary expenses and other misc. items. This was 2nd by Bob D.. Majority were in favour - motion passed
Michael K put forth a motion to hold onto the $3530 until our business meeting next month, this was 2nd by Chad M. However, after further
discussion an amended motion was made by Tammy TS to make a one-time $1000 donation to Vancouver Central Office/Intergroup. Lois 2nd and
we were all in favour. Amended motion passed. Currently $2530 on reserve.
Michael K put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting until Wednesday April 29 at 6:30pm. Lois 2nd. All in favour.
April 29, 2020
Pat asked for a motion to accept the minutes Bill C 2nd All in favour - motion passed
Theresa H put forth a motion to remain registered through GSO NY and Intergroup On-line for 3 months and then revisit. Dottie 2nd. After a discussion, Steve S called the question-vote was held-majority for - motion passed
Melissa S put forth a motion to keep the meetings at twice a day 7 days/week, same current times and revisit in 3 months. Michael K 2nd. Majority in favour - motion passed.
MJ put forth a motion for Kim to be retained as the scheduler for 3 months. Dottie 2nd. Michael K amended the motion to include Kim in retaining Kim to take care of scheduling and emails for 3 months – in hopes that Kim could train someone to take over the position. Bill 2nd. Majority in favour - motion passed.
Dottie motioned to adjourn the meeting. Nicole D 2nd. All in favour - meeting adjourned at 7:31pm until Sunday May 3, 2020 at 5:30pm PST
May 3, 2020
Dottie made a motion to accept April 29 minutes Bill 2nd Majority voted-motion passed
Dottie made a motion to trial the schedule for the month of May. 3, 2020. Robert P. 2nd. Theresa H. amended the motion so that whoever is chairing the meeting has 60 days of sobriety and the co-chair does not need to have a minimum number of sober days. Nicole 2nd. Majority voted – motion passed.
Dottie H. made a motion to accept the proposed schedule for May. Nicole D. 2nd. Majority voted- motion passed.
Theresa H. made a motion to create 4 positions and alternates to those positions with a 1-year commitment and sobriety time required as follows:
Treasurer requires 4 years sobriety, secretary requires 1 year sobriety, Intergroup rep requires 1 year sobriety and Speaker booker 1 year sobriety.
Dottie 2nd. Majority voted – motion passed.
Kim nominated for Treasurer; Theresa H. volunteered as alternate chair. All in favour- accepted. Secretary: take the meeting minutes, distribute minutes to the homegroup members via email, update the excel spread sheet, update member email list. Andrea nominated and accepted to be chair and Tammy volunteered as alternate chair. All in favour and this was accepted.
Michelle P. volunteered as chair and Dottie volunteered for alternate chair. All in favour – passed.
Dottie put forth a motion to open business meetings with the Serenity Prayer and end with the responsibility statement. Michael E. 2nd. Majority in favour – motion passed.
All in favour to allow the big book study to continue running on our zoom account on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dottie out forth a motion to adjourn. Chad M 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm
June 8, 2020
164 and beyond business meeting (We meet the 2nd Monday of every month) 45 members in attendance +/- a few trolls.
Kim made a motion to accept May 3 minutes. motion 2nd by Dottie. -all in favour
Della made a motion that we drop the meeting to the 500 max meeting, remove the 2nd pro-membership, and pay the zoom subscription for the
year to receive the additional 30% savings. Jackie O 2nd the motion. - unanimous vote - motion passed.
Kim discussed doing a split to levels of service- however after a bit of discussion Theresa H. made a motion to table a vote to the end of the
agenda, Jersey Joe 2nd all in favour.
Dottie put forth a motion to leave the option of renaming off. to prevent this and keep the meeting safe for all, Della 2nd, voted on and motion passed.
Bill C made a motion to eliminate the raise hand function, Doug C 2nd the motion, however after much discussion and a vote against, this motion was defeated.
Tom W. and Jersey Joe put forth a motion to host a meditation meeting, Andrea 2nd, members voted-all in favour *meeting to be announced at a
later date*
Tom W. put forth a motion that we meet Wednesday June 10 at 6pm PDT, (9pm EST) to discuss the 7th tradition split, Tammy L 2nd. all in favour-
motion passed.
July 13, 2020
46 participants Andrea read the meeting minutes from June 8 & June 10, 2020. Dottie made a motion to accept the minutes. Lisa 2nd.All in favour-motion passed.
Dottie made a motion whoever is hosting does not smoke or vape or eat during the meeting. Tammy 2nd. All in favour - motion passed
Tom W. made a motion to create a website for 164 and beyond with a $20/month budget. Della 2nd. Theresa volunteered to create a simple website, will send it to Kim completed and they will present to us next business meeting. All in favour - motion passed.
Dottie made a motion that home group members celebrate their sobriety birthdays here. Della 2nd. Went to discussion. Tammy L- amended motion that members wanting to celebrate their yearly birthdays book the date a month before at the business meeting, but we will still continue to celebrate all visitors who are celebrating days, weeks, months, years in the zoom room chat! Doug C 2nd. Majority in favour - motion passed.
Della made a motion to celebrate 90 days of sobriety. Tom W 2nd. Went to discussion. Lisa amended the motion to include celebrating 3, 6, 9 months for home group members. Scott W. 2nd. Majority voted against - motion failed.
Tammy L. had a concern about how quickly the meeting is getting closed down. Lizzi made a motion to keep the meeting open for 5 mins past the end of the meeting. Tom W amended to 15 mins before and 15 mins after for fellowship-mic open after meeting. Andrea 2nd. Majority in favour-motion passed.
Charles W made a motion to add to the script a blurb about GSO literature. 2nd by? Kim amended the motion to make a new literature position who would speak mid-meeting regarding literature. 2nd by? All in favour - motion passed.
Della made a motion to close. 2nd by Chris D. All in favour - motion passed.
August 10, 2020
Approx. 40 members in attendance, Andrea read the minutes from July 13, 2020. Don S made a motion to accept. Tom W 2nd. Majority voted; motion passed.
Kim M. made a motion to make Della the Alt opener of the 164 meeting. Don S 2nd. Majority voted and motion passed.
Kim M. made a motion to make Theresa H. chair of the new website committee. Don S 2nd. Majority voted - motion passed.
Kim M. made a motion to repay Theresa H. $176.38 for the annual cost of the new website. Joe 2nd. Majority voted and motion passed.
Dottie made a motion to contribute to GSO $2500CDN. Chris D 2nd. All in favour - motion passed.
A motion was made for the speaker seeker to announce the speaker on Saturday night. ?2nd. Majority voted and motion passed.
Santa made a motion to rename our call-in members to protect their anonymity. Bob D 2nd. Kim amended the motion to leave the last 4 digits only
Tom W 2nd motion. Majority voted motion passed.
Dottie made a motion to close meeting. Meeting closed at 7:19pm
September 14, 2020
Approx. 37 members in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from August 10, 2020. Della made a motion to accept. Leo 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
Kim made a motion to close meeting. Meeting closed at 7:24pm
October 12, 2020
31 members in attendance, Andrea read the minutes from September 14, 2020. Tom made a motion to accept. Chris D 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
Sep Expenses $119.84. $176.38 US was paid back to Theresa H. for the website and $2500CDN was sent to GSO. Balance: $3975.10 - $1000 prudent reserve = $2975.10. Motion to accept Patrick. 2nd: Tom W. All in favour: motion passed
Patrick made a motion to contribute $2500CDN to GSO. Katie 2nd. All in favour: motion passed.
Chris D made a motion to close at 7:20pm. Chad M 2nd.
November 9, 2020
42 members in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from October 12, 2020. Tom made a motion to accept. Richard H. 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
7th tradition in October: We collected $1672.95. Oct Expenses $119.84 and at the time of our business meeting Nov zoom had come out as well of $119.84. $2500CDN was sent to GSO. Balance: $2431.52 - $1000 prudent reserve = $1431.52. $70.48 outstanding to Theresa H. Motion to accept Patrick. 2nd: Joni D. All in favour: motion passed.
Tom W made a motion for the following: Thanksgiving we will be here Wednesday November 25th 4pm PST until Thursday November 26th Midnight PST. Christmas we will be here Wednesday December 23rd 4pm PST until Friday December 25th Midnight PST. (this blurb has been added
for co-hosts to add into the chat already) Chris D 2nd motion. 38 members voted yes, 1 abstained. Motion carried and passed.
Bob D made a motion to close at 7:24pm
December 14, 2020
Approx. 38 members in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from November 9, 2020. Della made a motion to accept. Ken B. 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
Financial Report: 7th tradition in November: We collected $1090.90. 7th tradition up to December 14: $563.91. Nov Expenses $119.84. Theresa H. has been paid back 70.48US or 91.63 CDN. Balance: $3582.19 - $1000 prudent reserve = $2582.19. Motion to accept: Chad M. 2nd: Tom W. All in favour: motion passed.
Joann had made a suggestion that we out a disclaimer in the chat for new people that sometimes the chat may not match the share:
Motion: Daud, 2nd Della, All in favour.
Della made a motion to close at 7:15pm
January 11, 2021
Approx 45 members in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from December 14, 2020. Della made a motion to accept. Tom W. 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
Financial Report: 7th tradition in December: We collected $1305. 7th tradition up to January 11: $972.96. Dec. Expenses $119.84. Jan. Expenses $119.84. Balance: $5176.40 - $1000 prudent reserve = $4176.40. Motion to accept: 2nd:
7th Tradition split: Della made a motion to contribute $1000 to Grapevine and $2500 to GSO. Bob D. 2nd the motion. After no discussion all voted
All in favour - motion passed.
Della made a motion to close at 7:47pm
February 8, 2021
45 members in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from January 11, 2021. Tom W. made a motion to accept. Ken B. 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept: Doug. 2nd: Brandy, All in favour - motion passed
Chat during speaker- We have always maintained that the purpose for leaving the chat open always was for newcomers to try and find connection. We had a lot of discussion and Kim made a motion to just have the chat open for host and co host during the first hour. Bob D. 2nd motion. Discussion was divided went to vote: motion ultimately passed and will trial for 1 month and discuss how it went next business meeting.
Next item was registering 164 and which area we should do this through. Bob made a motion to register through Area 79. David 2nd. After discussion this was passed!
Della made a motion to close at 7:47pm.
March 8, 2021
48 members in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from February 8, 2021. Della made a motion to accept. Darryl 2nd. all in favour, motion passed
Financial Report: 7th tradition in February: We collected $1772.49. 7th tradition up to: March 8: $491.24. Feb Expenses $119.84. Mar Expenses $119.84. Balance: $4995.98 - $1000 prudent reserve = $3995.98. Motion to accept: Melissa 2nd: Marianne. All in favour - motion passed
Keeping the chat closed: Consensus is that we loved having the chat closed while the speaker shares. Della made a motion to keep it closed for the first hour. Doug C 2nd. All in favour - motion passed.
7th tradition split: Della made a motion to split the 7th to: $2000 to GSO, $900 to Area79, $1000 to Grapevine. Glorianna 2nd. After much discussion, all in favour, motion passed.
Irene made a motion for the Saturday morning meeting to have a member share for the first 20 mins of the meeting before opening it up. Patrick 2nd. - Motion passed.
Della made a motion to close at 7:41pm.
April 12, 2021
Approx. 60 members in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from March 8, 2021. Della made a motion to accept. Tom W 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept: Tom W. 2nd: Melissa. All in favour - motion passed.
Old Business: • Ratifying the elected positions in advance of our May 2021 elections. • 7th Split %
We discussed and voted on length of sobriety time required for each position-attached to the minutes that I emailed on April 13. Patrick made a motion to accept the ratification. Marianne 2nd. Ratifications passed. • 7th tradition % split After much discussion and a vote, it was decided that we would do a 90/10 split between GSO and area every quarter (Mar, June, Sep, Dec) and will revisit if the need arises.
Della made a motion to close at 7:42pm.
May 10, 2021
Approx. 46 members of 252 in attendance. Andrea read the minutes from April 12, 2021. Lizzi made a motion to accept. David 2nd. all in favour, motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept: Mitch C. 2nd: Doug C. All in favour, motion passed .
Parking lot meeting- we have had no complaints over the last 30 days. Doug made a motion that the host be able to transfer host to a member in good standing if they are unable to keep the parking lot open past 15 mins. Brandon 2nd. All in favour and motion was passed.
Jo-Ann requested that we don't celebrate sobriety milestones on Saturday evenings. Kim made a motion for no cakes on Saturday evenings. David 2nd. All in favour
Max made a motion to close at 7:33pm.
June 14, 2021
Approx. 43 members of 265 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from May 10, 2021. Andrea made a motion to accept. Mitch C. 2nd. All in favour, - motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept: Mitch C. 2nd: Melissa. All in favour - motion passed.
New Business: Daud - Motion to do away with attendance letters. Tom W. seconded, Motion tabled may vote.
Matt motion to put Tammy into Attendance letter attendant. Doug 2nd. Voted in majority.
Theresa – Voting in Steering committee Motion to appoint Kimberlea M. Andrea P. Della F. Jersey Joe Boca Bob Don S. as steering committee
2 year service commitment. Discussion ensued. Tabled.
July 12, 2021
Approx. 38 members of 276 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Jun 12, 2021. Ken B made a motion to accept. Brandy S. 2nd. All in favour, - motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept: Jerry H. 2nd: Nick. All in favour - motion passed.
Daud – Deletion of Attendance letter Motion rescinded
Steering Committee: Della defined committee as “Ensures the meeting stays on course.” Discussion ensued in regards to permanently booted members. David made motion to limit discussion to remaining members with raised hands. 2Nd’ed and approved. Della made motion to table to next meeting. Patrick 2nd, -motion approved majority vote.
Doug C. made motion to implement Host / Co-host training. Service position 1 year, sobriety requirement 1 year. Max 2nd. Discussion Ensued.
Patrick motion to table. Daud 2nd. -Not enough votes to pass. Further discussion ensued. Doug restated motion. Patrick 2nd. Motion passed by majority Vote!
Daud made motion to have steering committee appointed powers listed. Diana 2nd. - Motion passed by majority vote.
Motion made to close meeting, passed.
August 9, 2021
Approx 47 members of 287 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Jul 12, 2021. Jersey Joe made a motion to accept. Doug C. 2nd. All in favour, motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept: Patrick. 2nd: Melissa. All in favour - motion passed.
Steering Committee Powers Listed. David Read Statement from Pamphlet P-16. Only functions are to deal with emergency situations. Mitch made motion to table. Discussion ensued. Della 2nd motion to table. Further discussion. Daud motion 2nd. -Motion Passed 2/3’rds majority.
Mitch C. Motion to have greeters, Patrick 2nd. Matt Amend to next meeting so greeters can be chosen, Brandy 2nd. Theresa created split motions
Further discussion ensued. Theresa motion to CALL the question, Patrick 2nd. 2/3rd’s majority passed end discussion Vote on Original motion,
did not pass.
Patrick motion to Adjourn. Diana 2nd. Vote passed.
September, 13 2021
Approx 45 members of 300 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Jul 12, 2021. Julia made a motion to accept. Melissa 2nd. All in favour, motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept: Theresa. 2nd: Bob. All in favour - motion passed
Mitch made motion to add Yellow Card to regular postings and website. Jersey Joe amended motion to allow Website committee the power of decision on placement. Della amended motion to add to the script. Majority Vote passed.
Doug C made motion to transfer ownership of Zoom account. Della 2nd motion. -Vote Passed
Della motion to adjourn. Patrick 2nd. Vote passed.
Oct, 11 2021
Approx 32 members of 300 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Sep 13, 2021. Motion to accept: Della, 2nd: Deb-AZ. All in favour, -motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion to accept:David. 2nd:Patrick. All in favour - motion passed.
Changing Keyholder account Discussion Doug C – Note sent to current account holder. Suggestion is to open new zoom account. Place redirect message on present meeting. Motion made in regards to the above by Doug C. 2nd: Diana. Patrick called to Vote. Doug C amend October 12th 2nd Daud. Vote to change tomorrow new zoom account – Motion Passed.
Diana makes motion service position 90 /60 days sobriety host /co-host. 2nd Tom. Discussion ensued. Theresa called to Vote -Motion Failed to Pass
Motion to adjourn Patrick. 2nd Mary Ellen. Vote- Failed.
Motion Matthew to permanently chair Big Book Study. Della 2nd. Discussion, Matthew motion to table. Patrick 2nd. -Motion Passed.
Melissa – Motion to Group Conscience. Robbie 2nd. Theresa motion to table and adjourn. - Motion Passed.
Nov, 13 2021
Approx 36-40 members of 316 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Oct 11, 2021. Motion to accept:Bob. 2nd:Della. All in favour, motion passed.
Don S. Motion $200 International Intergroup, $800 GSO. Patrick 2nd. -Motion continued, Motion to accept Financial Report: Patrick, 2nd: Jerry
All in favour - motion passed.
Revisiting motion split $800 / $200 donations – moved to New Business
Big Book Study motion Matt would like to chair permanently. Della made motion to make Matthew permanent chair. Doug C 2nd. Majority vote motion passed.
Jessica S – Group Inventory motion revisited. Della 2nd. Discussion followed. Jo-Ann called to vote-Motion failed.
Thanksgiving Alcathon – Della made motion to start Wed from meditation meeting - Through Friday evening (so midnight PST, 3am EST Saturday)
Della amends motion to Friday 1am EST. Earlston 2nd - Motion passed.
Della makes motion to send new business in email to secretary. Bob 2nd. Della amends motion to have email sent to secretary within 1 week of Next Business meeting, Earlston 2nd. Motion passed.
Jo-Ann made motion to only post the speaker on the 164 website. Theresa H. made motion to table. - Motion tabled
Doug C motion $800 GSO, $200 Intergroup donations. Robbie 2nd. - Motion passed.
Theresa H made motion to start regular meetings with Serenity Prayer. Patrick 2nd. Discussion followed. - Motion failed.
Katie L. Made motion to create Venmo account, Amanda 2nd, Jersey Joe made motion to amend that Doug be allowed to review the motion.
Katie L motion to table, Melissa S. 2nd, -Motion Tabled.
Brandy made motion to enable Closed Captioning for hearing impaired, Matt C 2nd, Bob motion to amend and adjourn, Brandy 2nd, Motion Tabled, Bob 2nd to adjourn
Patrick motion to adjourn, Ken 2nd, -Motion passed.
Dec, 13 2021
Approx 37 members of 326 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Nov 8, 2021. Motion to accept:David, 2nd:Mitch C. All in favour, - motion passed.
Financial Report: Melissa accept Financial Report, Nicole 2nd, All in favour - motion passed.
Jo-Ann made motion to only post the speaker on the 164 website. Theresa H and Irene both mentioned privacy issues. Patrick made motion to amend the motion to include announcing to speaker that their video will be on Youtube as well as the web site. - Motion Tabled.
Katie L. Made motion to create Venmo account. Doug C. pointed out Venmo is US only. Motion closed.
Brandy made motion to enable Closed Captioning for hearing impaired. Patrick 2nd. Discussion Ensued. Of particular interest and controversy was the privacy issue. Motion Tabled, Patrick called to Vote, Max 2nd, - Motion Failed.
Mitch C. motion: Post cohost announcement about speaker meeting - Motion Passed.
Della, December 31st meeting be extended to midnight pacific time to ring in ALL the New Year’s. Patrick 2nd - Motion Passed
Patrick motion: Add a document to our homegroup members portfolio that lists all the service positions with who is currently filling it and their email. Doug amends motion to the email of the service position and to have a service position email. Motion to Table. Della 2nd, - Motion passed.
Della motion to adjourn, Mitch 2nd, - Motion passed.
January 10, 2022
Approx 42 members of 337 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Dec 13, 2021. Motion to accept:Nicole, 2nd:Mitch C. All in favour, - motion passed.
Financial Report: Melissa accept Financial Report, T.C. 2nd, All in favour - motion passed
Fabulous Nicole T - Motion to move the 2 hour night meeting to 90 minutes. Brandy 2nd. Matthew called to Vote. Patrick 2nd. Vote call failed
Discussion finished, Doug C called to vote. Motion Failed.
Glenn C motions the treasurer will add a suggested amount to contribute to OIAA and GSO as part of the treasurer's report. Mitch C. 2nd. 20% OIAA, 80% GSO. - Motion passed.
Daud motion to end the Troll Report portion of our business meeting. Glenn 2nd. Melissa amends motion to report only if someone has something to report. Patrick 2nd. Called to vote. - Motion Passed.
Irene K motion to replace both myself and Jessica S as speaker seekers and a motion to add a night time meeting attendee to the committee.
Jersey Joe motion to double vote Yay / Nay for accurate counts. Nicole 2nd. Motion amended to only double vote on close votes. - Patrick 2nd
Matthew motion to table. - Amanda 2nd. - Motion Failed - Double Vote motion passed.
February 14, 2022
Approx 41 members of 350 in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Jan 10, 2022. Motion to accept: Mitch, 2nd: Melissa S. All in favour, - motion passed.
Financial Report: Doug suggested donating $2,000 to OIAA and GSO. T.C. accept Financial Report. 2nd Matthew. All in favour - motion passed.
Patrick; RVA - Motion to create Business Profile on Google for 164 and Beyond to be brought to group for approval. 2nd Mindy. - Motion Failed.
Jessica S. Motion to do a group inventory. 2nd Nicole. Discussion in terms of pros and cons ensued. Della Calls Question. 2nd Matthew. Call to Vote Passed - Motion Passed.
Nicole Motion that members can only be on one device during business meeting due to numbers in voting. 2nd Theresa. * Discussion. Amending motion to count yay and nay every vote. 2nd Matthew. Amending motion to only yay and nay for new business votes. 2nd Doug. Mitch motion to kill. Motion to kill Failed. Theresa motion to table. 2nd Mitch. Motion to table Failed. Vote called. - Original motion failed.
Mitch C. Motion to do something about the cross-talk. Motion tabled for group inventory.
Doug C. Motion: Offer to send big books to people who would like one, cost with shipping would be approximately $26.00 CA. 2nd Della. Daud Call the Question. 2nd Patrick. Motion to Vote Passed. - Motion Passed.
Jeremiah Lee Motion to add 12 Traditions to the readings before every meeting. Daud Motion To Table. 2nd Matthew. - Motion Tabled.
Doug motion to end meeting. 2nd Matthew. - Motion Passed.
March 14, 2022
Approx 48 members of 360 were in attendance. Patrick read the minutes from Feb 14, 2022. Motion to accept: Della. 2nd: T.C. All in favour,-motion passed.
Financial Report: Motion accept Financial Report: Deb. 2nd KDL All in favour - motion passed.
Jeremiah motion to add 12 Traditions to the readings. 2nd Patrick. Opened for discussion, much back and forth ensued. Ken called vote, Patrick 2nd
Motion passed.
Matt motion to allow the chair person to assume consent to the reports, if there are no further questions. Patrick 2nd. 26 Yay, 0 Nay - Motion passed
Doug C. motion: A new position to be created at the next election, called Literature Rep. This position would be responsible for fulfilling Big Books requests. Mitch 2nd. - Motion Passed
Della motion: To move the ladies meeting to 164’s meeting number, keeping the time and days. Irene 2nd. - Motion Passed.
Patrick Motion: To create two lists, one for men sponsors and another for female sponsors. This list is kept by the secretary, anyone wishing to be a temporary sponsor simply place themselves on the list by contacting the secretary (or we could even open up a whole new service position for this).
If a member wishes to view the list they would then contact either the secretary or the selected service member. Patrick table motion, Theresa 2nd
Table motion passed.
Della motion to adjourn. 2nd Patrick. - Motion Passed.
April 11, 2022
Approx 45 members of 372 were in attendance.
Old Business: Patrick motion to create lists, motion to kill. Mitch C. 2nd. - Motion to kill passed.
Daud motion to create group conscience chair person. Theresa 2nd. Discussion ensued. Max mentioned that opened position would enable Keyholder to vote while disabling the group conscience’s ability of same. Motion amended to min. Sobriety requirement 3 years. Motion passed.
Mitch motion to include definition of cross talk in the group’s script. Sean K 2nd. Opened for discussion. Patrick Called Vote. Irene 2nd. End Discussion - Passed. Motion Failed.
Mitch motion to include “A Vision for You” in the co-host postings. Carol called the question, Della 2nd. Motion 17 Yay, 12 Nay. Motion Failed.
Mitch motion to form committee of 7 homegroup members appointed by our steering committee to promulgate a sponsor contact protocol/mechanism. Tuna 2nd. Discussion followed. Jo-Ann called to vote. motion to end discussion passed. Vote followed - Motion Failed.
Nicole motion to adjourn. Jessica S. 2nd. Motion Passed.
May 9, 2022
Approx 49 members of 380 were in attendance.
New Business: Matt C. Motion to split key holder responsibility to a group of trusted servants approved by the group. Patrick 2nd. Discussion ensued. Matthew removed proposal. Doug C. 2nd. to kill motion - Motion killed.
Nicole T. – motion to add a chat posting with a link to the newcomer page on 164 website. Doug C. 2nd. Mitch called question, Jessica 2nd. Motion passed.
Part 2 – motion to remove individual meetings in chat host and add one post with link to the meeting page on 164 website. Theresa H. 2nd. Discussion opened. Patrick called question. Amanda 2nd. Motion to call passed. Vote for original motion – Failed. Brandy 2nd.
Theresa - motion that "the scheduled co-host (and only the scheduled co-host) change their name to “164 and Beyond” when co-hosting." This will help make clear that the announcements posted are from the group. Brandy 2nd. Opened for discussion. Amendment for [bracketed username] after “164 and Beyond”. Accepted. Doug called question, Patrick 2nd. End discussion to go to vote passed. Vote for original motion 24 yay, 8 nay, motion passed.
Joe P. – Motion to have a report in the Business meeting on all meetings ran on 164. Brandy 2nd. Vote 21 yay, 9 nay, motion passed.
Doug motion to adjourn. Patrick 2nd. - Motion Passed
June 13, 2022
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 pm PST. About 45 of 391 members were in attendance.
New business: Motion: Jeremiah moved to reduce the night meeting time to one hour, as we are experiencing lower attendance in our night meeting. We are averaging 115 now. This excludes Saturday night, that should be 90 minutes. The motion was defeated.
Alternate elections. The meeting wrapped up at 7:45.
July 11, 2022
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 pm PST. About 50 of 404 members were in attendance.
Old business: group conscience motion Jeremiah, 2nd by Melissa. “I would like to make a motion to convert Wed. morning
and evening meetings to speaker meeting formats.” Defeated.
Jeremiah motion, 2nd by Nicole. “I would like for us to add the link for the in person meeting finder, on in the chat as a
posting.“ Motion passed.
Nicole, seconded by Jeremiah “Motion to make Saturday mornings meeting just a speaker meeting with share back and not read daily reflection or get rid of speaker and make it just daily reflection. Basically make it one meeting or the other, not make it a two for one meeting. One ends up taking away from the other.” Friendly amendment made by Doug, so that both parts are included, but daily reflection is read before the speaker shares. Carried.
Della, seconded by Patrick “Moves that hosts/co-hosts must attend a training session, regardless of previous hosting or cohosting service.” Carried
Mitch “Moves that we read and discuss the results of the group inventory of April 30th.” Tabled
Theresa Motion. Amanda Nebraska 2nd. “To read the following announcement prior to the start of the parking lot. ‘The purpose of the parking lot is to support the newcomer, answer questions, discussion, and friendly fellowship. Discussion of outside issues, augments and profanity will not be tolerated. Please remember to use patience and tolerance.’” Carried
Theresa motion, seconded by Della. “To create a Parking Lot Committee.” - Tabled.
Adjourn Jessica called the meeting to a close at 7:30
August 08, 2022
Jersey Joe called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST. About 34 of 412 members were in attendance.
New Business: Moved by Nicole, seconded by Lizzie: “Motion for official security ratio (example: every 15 people 1 person assigned security)
and assigned positions for who’s doing what for security to prevent removal of actual participants that happens.” To be discussed at our next meeting. Moved by Doug, seconded by David W: - Carried.
Moved by Mitch, seconded by Brandy: If a motion is defeated, similar motions cannot be put forward for six months.” - Carried.
Moved by Della, seconded by Diane F: “The Ladies line by line group will hold a two-day, step four workshop on an upcoming Saturday and Sunday, with details to follow.” - Carried.
Adjourn Jersey Joe closed the meeting
September 12, 2022
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST. About 41 of 421 members were in attendance.
New Business: Moved by Doug, seconded by Melissa: “Move to investigate ways to formalize and fund the service Laughing Bear currently does by sending coins to members celebrating sobriety dates.” - Carried.
Adjourn Jessica closed the meeting
October 10, 2022
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST. About 39 of 429 members were in attendance.
Moved by Doug, seconded by Melissa.
Doug shared that LB has been paying for the cards and envelopes out of pocket, plus shipping.
Coins range in price from 25 cents to $1.20 US. Please see costing document attached.
Motion is carried.
Melissa asked that the words, “Screenshots are helpful” be added to the co-host announcements
as per a previous group conscience decision and a reminder at the group inventory. A vote of
support followed and the words will be added to the co- host copy-and-paste document
Adjourn Jessica closed the meeting at 7:35 p.m. PST
November 14, 2022
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST. About 25 of 429 members were in attendance.
New Business: Moved by Doug, seconded by Amanda Nebraska. “164 and Beyond sends out coins to celebrate periods of sobriety 24 HOURS, 1-11 months and yearly anniversaries. If you would like a coin, please send your name and mailing address to
Motion is carried.
Adjourn Jessica closed the meeting at 6:50 p.m. PST
December 12, 2022
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST. About 41 of 431 members were in attendance
New Business: Moved by Mitch, seconded by Laura. “The host (leading the meeting) does not call on anyone to share while they are driving.....for
obvious reasons: safety and the signal drops......” - Motion defeated
Moved by Mitch, seconded by Nicole. “I would like to move to create a section on our website for our recorded Guided Meditations from the Wednesday night meeting.” - Motion carried.
Moved by Daud, seconded by Della. “I move to make the night weekday meetings of the 164 and Beyond group 90 minutes.” - Motion defeated
January 9, 2023
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST. About 41 of 431 members were in attendance.
Old business: Simon motion. 2nd Melissa. “I move that we share hosting commitments, so that one person can do either the first or second half of the meeting, or both.” Simon accepted a friendly amendment: “Nightly host has the option to split the meeting, and is responsible for lining up a person with whom to split their hosting spot.” - Motion Carried
New business: Matthew motion. Doug 2nd. “I’d like to make a motion to make Co-Ed BB meeting on Thursdays only.” - Motion Carried
Adjourn Jessica closed the meeting at 7:25 p.m. PST
February 13, 2023
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST. About 49 of 446 members were in attendance. Jessica said the Serenity Prayer, and addressed the fact that the chat function of the Zoom meeting was closed. Members raised their hands and voiced their objection to the closure of the chat.
New business: Moved by Laughing Bear, seconded by Della. “All readings from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous will be read verbatim as written during our meetings.” - Carried
*Debate over the closure of the chat resumed. *Jessica took a short break from chairing the meeting at 7:31 pm, with Doug filling in.
Moved by Courtney, seconded by _______ “Motion to adjourn” - Motion Defeated. *Debate over the closure of the carried on.
Adjourn Jessica closed the meeting at 7:45 p.m. PST
March 13, 2023
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST
New business: Moved by Matthew, seconded by Cassie: “New system for business meeting: after we go through commitments we take a head count and rename asking all voting members present to raise their virtual hands— when this happens host should rename (or we should allow renaming for the business meeting plus polling) VM- (name) chair announces
the number of VM and tells us the number of VM needed to get 2/3 substantial unanimity widely used in AA including our meeting…votes are conducted through a simple multiple choice poll— a) yes b) no c) abstain. After discussion when vote commences: All numbers are reported and recorded— then minority opinion. Losing side has the right to speak in an any votes have changed. If yes we vote again. If not we move on. WithdrawnMoved by Matthew, seconded by Brandy: “Dissolve the steering committee.” - Defeated with 13 votes in favour, 22 opposed and 3 abstaining
Moved by Melissa, seconded by Diane F: "I move that we create a new service position: ‘ombudsperson.’ In the event that we dissolve our steering committee, this person will review, record and track reports of harassment and abuse in meetings.” - Withdrawn
Moved by Simon, seconded by Melissa: Motion to list the second hour at 9:00 PM PST and 12:00 AM EST of our evening meeting on the AA Intergroup website. Tabled
Moved by Mitch, seconded by Melissa. “I hereby move that 164 and Beyond establish a 'Group Conscience' * meeting to be held every 4th Monday at 9pm Est. 6pm Pacific, commencing March 27, 2023.” *as defined in A.A. Traditions and the A.A. Group pamphlet. - Tabled
Adjourn Jessica closed the meeting at 7:45 p.m. PST
April 10, 2023
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST
Old business: Moved by Simon, seconded by Cassie: “Motion to list the second hour at 9:00 PM PST and 12:00 AM EST of our evening meeting on the AA Intergroup website.” - Carried
Moved by Mitch, seconded by Earlston, with a friendly amendment by Doug: “I hereby move that 164 and Beyond establish a 'Group Conscience' * meeting to be held every 4th Tuesday at 9pm EST 6pm PST commencing March 27, 2023. *as defined in A.A. Traditions and the A.A. Group pamphlet.” - Defeated with 22 in favour, 13 opposed and 4 abstaining.
New business: Moved by Matthew, seconded by Cassie: “Open steering committee meetings to any of our members who wish to attend the meeting.” - Carried with 23 in favour, 6 opposed and 5 abstaining.
Adjourn Jessica closed the meeting at 7:42 p.m. PST
May 8, 2023
Jessica called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST and read the serenity prayer, with 50 members in attendance.
Adjourn: Jessica closed the meeting at 7:42 p.m.
June 12, 2023
1. Matthew started the meeting 6p PST. We opened with a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer. Approx 41 members in attendance
2. Elections:
3. Old Business: Motion to create by-laws, amended to develop by-laws. Discussion followed. Deanna motion to table. Patrick 2nd Motion to table passed.
3. New Business: Patrick motion to adjourn. Irene 2nd - Motion Passed
Matthew closed at 10:34p EST with responsibility statement
July 10, 2023
1. Matthew called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. PST and read the serenity prayer. Approx 30 members in attendance.
2. Old business: Motion by Cassie B to create by-laws for the group. Discussion followed. Motion passes.
3. New Business:
A) Motion by Doug C. seconded by Della Moves that, for Group Conscience Votes, the Zoom poll’s function will be used. For each motion, group members will have 30 seconds to vote. Each motion will have three options: a,b,c.
1. The GC chair will re-read the motion aloud 2. The poll function will pop up with three options: a. I support the motion. b. I do not support the motion. c. I abstain from the vote. A motion will pass if a count of 2/3’s or more of the votes supports the motion. Discussion followed. Motion passes.
B) Motion by Doug C. seconded by Della. Moves that the group provides 12 Steps and 12 Traditions books upon request. Discussion followed.
Max, Della, Theresa and Katie propose to also send other AA books. Tammy proposes an amendment to give the authority the discretion to send other AA approved books upon request and to not advertise this. Doug accepts the amendment. Motion passes
C) Motion by Bobbielee C Moves that the Saturday morning speak meeting include, occasionally, non home group members. Discussion followed.
Motion passes.
D) Motion by Theresa Moves that the group adds a chat announcement that states that 164 and beyond welcomes all people. This Includes people of all races, religions, lack of religion, sexual orientations and gender identities. Discussion followed. Motion passes. Meeting adjourned.
August 14, 2023
Old business agenda:
A) Moved by Amanda C.: Seconded by Jersey Joe - Motion to add a page on the website dedicated to passed motions. One simple place to find them instead of having to go through the minutes from every business meeting for the past three years. Cassie volunteered to do the work. Mitch mentions he has worked on this. Discussion. Motion passes
B) Moved by Katie L.: Seconded by Laura. - Motion to add a calendar on the 164 website that includes the schedule for Saturday morning and evening speakers. Discussion. Motion fails
C) Moved by Mitch C: Seconded by Carrie. - Motion to add six additional opportunities for service, ie; Co-Hosts for Thurs Big Book, Ladies Big Book and Meditation meetings, to be volunteered for at our regular biz meetings. Discussion. Cassie motion to call vote; Rob 2nd – passes. Motion passes – starting at the next business meeting, positions will be added.
D) Moved by Mitch C: Seconded by Tammy - Moves to define 'Host/Chair' as the person leading the meeting to avoid ambiguity with the current 'Host' who is assigned overall responsibility for the meeting by the Keyholder. Amend the motion – chair of the meeting 164 and beyond chair/name Irene 2nd Discussion. Motion Passes
New business agenda:
E) Moved by Tammy Seconded by Rob K. Motion to identify the roles in the meeting, the number of co-hosts and provide training for these roles. The Keyholder assigns the following roles: Waiting room attendant, Chairperson, Chat moderator, Host, Co hosts. Discussion,. mend the parking lot attendant discussion – Doug called to question – David W 2nd; Motion fails; more discussion – job descriptions – Chicago John doesn’t believe that we need to have a motion – they’ve already been defined as this is an administrative decision; Tammy withdraws her motion from the floor. Motion withdrawn
F) Moved by Katie L: Motion that we add the Daily Reflection to be sent out as a discretion to the Literature Rep. Motion withdrawn
G) Moved by David W Seconded by Max. Motion to accept the by-laws as written and open a discussion on any changes by the group conscience to be voted on for ratification. David moved to table Irene 2nd to table Motion to Table passes
H) Moved by Mitch C Seconded by Amy Motion to include the following advice from G.S.O. Box 419 in the 'post once' section of our Cohost postings during the meeting: “Feedback and crosstalk are discouraged here. Crosstalk is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group and questioning or interrupting the person speaking at the time. If crosstalk occurs, the chair will remind you of this policy.” Discussion. Earlston motion to table, Amanda 2nd, Motion to table - motion passes
Motion to close – adjourn the meeting passes at 7:50 PST
September 11, 2023
Old business agenda:
A. Moved by David W; Max 2nd: Motion to accept the by-laws as written and open a discussion on any changes by the group conscience to be voted on for ratification.” *Please find the by-laws document project attached to this email. Opened for discussion. Deanna called the question. PASSED.
Vote for the Motion: PASSED (Motions/By-Laws button on website)
B. Moved by Mitch C., Amy 2nd: Motion to include the following advice from G.S.0. Box 419 in the 'post once' section of our Cohost postings during the meeting: “Feedback and crosstalk are discouraged here. Crosstalk is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person
rather than to the group and questioning or interrupting the person speaking at the time.” If crosstalk occurs, the chair will remind you of this policy.
Opened for discussion. David called the question. PASSED. Vote for the Motion: DID NOT PASS.
New business Agenda:
C. Moved by Cassie B - Patrick 2nd: Have previous month's minutes reviewed prior to the meeting, rather than having the secretary read them. The minutes could also be shared on the screen for people to review. The minutes and the Agenda are sent out a week before the group conscience meeting and this should allow plenty of time for the members to read ahead of time. No discussion. Vote for the Motion: PASS
Doug motioned to close; Second by Rob. PASS
Adjourn at 7:40 pm (PST) with Responsibility Statement.
October 9, 2023
Old business agenda:NONE
New business agenda: (Participants 42 out of 517members)
A.) Moved by Doug: Second by Amanda C. If someone is being harassed, they should report it to the meeting zoom host and send a screenshot to the Secretary email. If the sexual harassment is from a group member, the person being sexually harassed should send a screenshot of the offending comments to the Secretary email. The situation must be discussed at the next GC Meeting. As this is a safety issue the harassment allegations must be discussed immediately after the celebration portion of the meeting. The email with the screenshot will be shared on the screen. The GC will examine the comments. If the GC determines the comments are inappropriate though a vote using polls, the Secretary will send an email to the offending member explaining that the conduct is inappropriate.The screenshot will be attached to the email. If the person is reported again the Secretary will examine the email and if they determine the comments inappropriate, the member will be removed until the next GC meeting. The GC will look at the email following the procedure outlined above and if it is determined the comments are inappropriate the person will be removed from the meetings for a period of one year. A list of removed members will be distributed to the group.
Sexual Harassment Definition-behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks. Discussion-Motion PASSED.
B.) Moved by Irene; Second by Della: Move to create a new keyholder position for the daytime meetings both the Daily Reflection and Ladies Line-by-Line meetings. Discussion - Motion FAILS
C.) Moved by Cassie; Second by Mitch: I move to have the 12 Traditions read before each Steering Committee meeting and Group Conscience meeting.
No discussion - Motion PASSED
D.) Moved by Jersey Joe: Begin an open discussion, step study/tradition meeting using 12 and 12 on Fridays at 9PM EST /6PM PST for one hour. I propose the format of this meeting to begin with a steady reader and a steady chair who elaborates and calls on participants and gets people involved. The meeting will start at step one and repeat at step12. The last Friday of each month have a speaker on the corresponding tradition followed by open discussion. The 164 main meeting meeting caters well to the newcomer and this meeting would also carry the message not only to the newcomer to the alcoholic who still suffers. It will provide additional service positions and attract those with longer sobriety who are able to sponsor the abundance of newcomers and share their experience. I had been involved in the meditation meeting for the preceding3years. I’d now like to invest time and effort with the help of others to establish this meeting for the group. Move to table as Jersey Joe was not present at the meeting. All approved.
Moved to close at 7:31pm(PST). Tammy closed with the responsibility statement.
November 13, 2023
Old business agenda: (October New Motion D./tabled): Moved by Jersey Joe: Begin an open discussion, step study/tradition meeting using 12 and 12 on Fridays at 9PM EST/6PM PST, for one hour. I propose the format of this meeting to begin with a steady reader and a steady chair, who elaborates and calls on participants and gets people involved. The meeting will start at step one and repeat at step 12. The last Friday of each month have a speaker on the corresponding tradition followed by open discussion. Tabled due to Joe not present.