We have a variety of meetings listed below.

Zoom on in.

All of our Alcoholic Anonymous meetings are

hosted on the Zoom platform.

Our meeting ID is:

677 567 7559

Our Meetings

All meeting times are listed as Pacific Time Zone. A time zone converter is provided at the bottom of this page.

Daily Reflection Meeting

7 days a week

9:00 am - 10:00 am Pacific

This is an open meeting focused on discussing and sharing on the day’s daily reflection from the book Daily Reflections, by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Below is a link that will take you to todays daily reflection.


Open Meeting

Sunday - Friday

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Pacific

This is an open discussion meeting based on a Big Book reading. People from all walks of life are welcome to attend. We share our experience, strength, and hope with each other regarding our problems with alcohol and how to use the 12 steps to achieve and maintain, sobriety and recovery from alcoholism.

Speaker Meeting

Saturday AM&PM

Homegroup Speaker @ 9-10am Pacific (suggested 20 minutes) - Daily Reflection discussion follows.

Guest Speaker @ 8-9pm Pacific (suggested 50 minutes)

This meeting begins with a speaker sharing their story of recovery. The remainder of the meeting is open for people to share how they achieved sobriety and their recovery from alcoholism.

Meditation Meeting

Wednesday and Sunday

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm Pacific

The meeting begins with the Prayer of St. Francis and a review of the day from Page 86 of the Big Book. This is followed by a guided meditation with a short silence on Wednesdays and a longer, 20 minute, silence on Sundays. The remainder of the meeting is an open discussion on Step 11.

Homegroup Business Meeting

2nd Monday of each Month

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Pacific

Please join us for our business meeting on the second Monday of every month. All are welcome to attend. Motions should be submitted at least 2 weeks before. If you would like to join our homegroup or would like more information. You may contact our Meeting Secretary at:


Co-Ed Big Book Study


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Pacific

This is a line-by-line big book study. All are welcome to join. The meeting begins with a Set-aside prayer. Our Chairperson reads a paragraph then pauses, to see if any hands are raised. You may share as many times as u like.

164 and Beyond Concepts Meeting

First meeting September 6, 2024

Every Friday 6 pm-7 pm Pacific

This open discussion meeting focuses on literature related to the Service Legacy of the AA program.
Learn more at:

Ladies Only Big Book Study

Monday and Friday

11:00 am - 12:00 pm Pacific

This is a line-by-line big book study just for women and those who identify as a woman.


12 x 12


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Pacific

This is an open discussion meeting on the Steps with the last Tuesday of the month a Traditions meeting. Using the 12 x 12

All meetings are listed as Pacific Time Zone

Find other online AA meetings at
